A Beauty, Fashion, Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle Blog

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

A Complete Guide To Twitter Chats

A Complete Guide To Twitter Chats

So Twitter chats are becoming so popular, and every time I join in a chat I always see people asking what time they start or what the topic is. I always forget myself too if I'm honest I always forget and miss one. So I'm constantly searching for Twitter Chats, and I thought I would try and help people out (including myself) with all the Twitter Chats that I know about.

I hope this is useful for you, if you know of any more that I haven't put on then please let me know.
I've done a bit of research on the subject and I cannot believe how many chats I have found. These are all the ones that I know, I haven't joined them all but I'm sure they will be useful to someone.

All of these chats are usually around an hour at least, I recommend joining from the start and just going with the flow. Try to answer the questions if there is any, if not then just join in with other peoples chat and engage with people. Get involved and share your blog at the end of the chat. Usually people will ask for links at the end anyway so share yourself and have fun!

If you are ever not able to join the chat for any reason you can schedule tweets to go up whilst you are out and about. Try apps like HootSuite or TweetDeck, these are great for keeping up to date and still in the chat.

Here is a little graphic you can save or pin to remind yourself of the most well known blogger chats. These are the ones I usually join anyway!

a complete guide to twitter chats

#LTbloggers (lunchtime all topics) || 1-2pm || Hosted by @ltbloggers
#GirlsTravel (female travel) || 6-6.30pm || Hosted by @sheswanderful
#TheGirlGang (various topics) || 6-7pm || Hosted by @TheGirlGangHQ
#BDIB (all bloggers) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @bloggersdoitbetter
#JBTalks (Joe Blogs Chat) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @joesbloggers
#Fbloggers (fashion) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @BeckyBedbug
#HealthySelves || #HappySelves 1st Monday every month || 8-9pm || Hosted by @chathealthy
#BeautyBabble (beauty) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @rebeccagoodyear
#IrishBbloggers (Irish beauty bloggers) || 8.30-9.30pm || Hosted by @irishbbloggers
#HolHealthHour (holistic health) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @HolHealthHour

#LTbloggers (lunchtime all topics) || 1-2pm || Hosted by @ltbloggers
#AskABlogger (all bloggers) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @_OliviaJadexo
#BookBloggers (book) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @BookBlogChat
#CraftBlogClub (craft bloggers) || 7-8.30pm || Hosted by @CraftBlogClub
#FBLChat (fashion, beauty, life) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @fashbeautylife
#FABbloggers (all bloggers) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @lovelyniceyou
#BlogHour (all bloggers) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @UKBlogAwards

#LTbloggers (lunchtime all topics) || 1-2pm || Hosted by @ltbloggers
#AdvTravelChat (adventure travel) || 6-6.30pm || Hosted by @WildJunket & @Laurel_Robbins
#Lbloggers (lifestyle) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @lbloggerschat
#Bbloggers (beauty) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @bbloggerschat
#CareerBlogChat (careers) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @CareerBloggers & @TheWhatNowBlog
#WeddingHour (wedding/bridal) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @weddinghour
#WelshBloggers (Welsh bloggers) || 9-10pm ||| Hosted by @welshbloggers_

#LTbloggers (lunchtime all topics) || 1-2pm || Hosted by @ltbloggers
#LuxTravelChat (luxury travel) || 5.30-6pm || Hosted by @luxtravelchat
#CrazyBloggers (all bloggers) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @hollycassell & @crazyblogchat
#DisneyBloggersChat (for all Disney lovers, various topics) || 8-9pm
#Fbloggers (fashion) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @beckybedbug
#Fdbloggers (food) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @fdbloggers & @lorileysesh
#SpeakUp (various topics for young peoples health and wellbeing) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @thriftyvintage_
#VloggersChat (vloggers) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @whatshedidx
#Cbloggers (creative bloggers) || 8.30-9.30pm || Hosted by @CBloggersChat
#Tbloggers (teens) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @teenbloggerchat
#CFBloggers (cruelty free bloggers) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @CFbloggerschat
#BlogPhotoChat (blog photography) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @BlogPhotoChat

#LTbloggers (lunchtime all topics) || 1-2pm || Hosted by @ltbloggers
#BeautyChat (beauty) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @BeautyHigh
#Gbloggers (gorgeous bloggers) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @tmznloves & @VixMeldrew
#BDIB (all bloggers) | 8-9pm || Hosted by @Blogsdoitbetter
#Sbloggers (student bloggers) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @charleylucy
#MblogChat (mums) | 8-9pm || Hosted by @mummy_bloggers & @sunshineblogxo
#UKBloggers (all bloggers) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @UKBloggers1
#30sBloggers (30+ Bloggers) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @notesFcaroline

#LTbloggers (lunchtime all topics) || 1-2pm || Hosted by @ltbloggers
#FBLChat (fashion, beauty, life) || 3-4pm || Hosted by @fashbeautylife
#altbloggers (various topics for alternative bloggers) || 6-7pm || Hosted by @alt_bloggers
#socialbloggers (all bloggers) || 6-7pm || Hosted by @Noor_Unnahar & @skinnedcartree
#stlbloggers (share the love) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @TT_Mirror
#tbloggers (teens) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @teenbloggerchat

#LTbloggers (lunchtime all topics) || 1-2pm || Hosted by @ltbloggers
#PABChat (all bloggers) || 5-6pm || Hosted by @PABchat @pickablogger
#fitbunnieschat (various health and fitness topics) || 6-7pm || Hosted by @fitbunnieschat
#lbloggers (lifestyle) || 7-8pm || Hosted by @lbloggerschat
#bbloggers (beauty) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @bbloggerschat
#ChattyBees (general, various topics) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @BloggerBees
#hbloggers (health) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @HBloggersCom
#greenchat (green chat) || 8-9pm || Hosted by @amberbeautytalk
#pbloggers (parent) || 9-10pm || Hosted by @pbloggersnet & @maxandmummyblog

Please let me know of any more - I will update the list!
I hope this helped you!

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