A Beauty, Fashion, Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle Blog

Friday 18 March 2016

Lush Henna Block Review

Just in case you haven't already guessed, I am a self confessed Lush addict. I have loved Lush since I was introduced by a friend in high school. Roughly when I was around 12-13. She loved it and now I'm completely obsessed and have been since I can remember. There used to be a few shops, the Chester one was the closest to me, so my mum used to take me now and again. Now we have two shops in Manchester and one at the Trafford Centre! 

Today I'm going to chat about one of my favourite products and why I love it, also a little bit of detail about how I use it.

There was no label on my pack so I honestly can't remember if I went for Caca Marron or Caca Brun, but either way I usually go for one of those too. Sometimes I even pick up the Rouge for a bit of a red tint. These are around £9.25 from your local store and online too, they are a bit of a pain to use. But when it comes to my hair, I refuse to use box dyes now. Henna is so much better for your hair and thats why I chose to use it.

I used to use box dyes all the time, my hair is really thin and breaks a lot. It wasn't doing my hair any good so I decided to try something a bit different to my usual brand, that I use to do every 6 weeks! I have been trying to grow my hair and its been finally getting longer, I decided I would try Lush Henna Blocks because I'd been told good things. It is also supposed to be really good for your hair.

I usually choose the brown colours because they leave my hair a gorgeous colour, and they leave it looking super shiny. With Henna, Cocoa Butter and Lemon Juice it has so many ingredients that are amazing for your hair.

To use I always break up the bar into individual squares, then I place into a heat proof bowl and pour over until covered with boiling water. The hotter the henna the better the result, so I always use water from the kettle. Stirring until the henna melts and turns into hair dye consistency. Like other dyes cover your hair line in vaseline or something similar to stop it from dying your skin. Using gloves apply it like you would a normally covering the hair. I leave mine on for around 2-3 hours, which can be a pain when other dyes can take just 30 minutes. But the benefits make it so worth it.

It can be really messy so make sure you have a t shirt on you don't care about getting messy and also a dark coloured towel. Lush recommend 1-4 hours so however long you feel is good for you. I also stick a towel over my hair and get on with my normal day to day things whilst the henna is on. Normal hair dyes always used to make me itch and get smell really strong. They used to sting my eyes too and it really put my off, using natural henna has changed my hair. I absolutely love it and would not ever use anything else.

I can not recommend these any more if I tried. I love them!

What do you think?
Have you used Henna before?
Would you now?

I also did a video on how I used the Henna - check it out below!



  1. this sounds really interesting! i've only used henna on my skin but i have heard lots about how good it is for your hair. next time i'm in lush i'll have to investigate :)

    xo Sarah


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