A Beauty, Fashion, Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle Blog

Saturday 21 February 2015

Fitness: Goals for 2015 ♥

Hello all you lovely readers - and thank you to all for being so patient with me. I am slowly trying to ease myself into blogging and aiming to get some organisation in my life. Juggling two jobs and a 5 year old in between church commitments and planning a wedding is hard! So yeah enough of the blabbing and get on with the post.

So today I have decided I will share my latest fitness goals with you for this year. For a long time I haven't been incredibly happy with my body. As women there are constant reminders everywhere that we aren't skinny enough or that our bums are too big or too small etc. The media bombards us with airbrushed fake pictures of women that just aren't realistic. There is one women that ignores all of this and shows us that strong, fit and healthy is sexy. Not skinny, malnourished and fake. That women is Kayla Itsines, Kayla is a 23 year old personal trainer that lives in Adelaide, Australia. 

Image of Kayla from Google

She has developed her own Bikini Body Guide and Healthy Eating Plan - and has seen amazing transformations with women all over the world. I found Kayla on Instagram and was amazed by some of her pictures, I clicked the link to her website and found her eBook. I kept thinking about buying it but then changing my mind. No matter how many times I went to the gym I have always come out un impressed, and feeling like I'd done nothing. I wanted to feel strong, lose a tiny bit of weight, tone up and feel better within myself. 

So last week I took the plunge and purchased Kayla's 12 Week Bikini Body Guide. I am currently working on the 4 week Pre - Training Guide and have done the 3 workouts for this week, I feel so energised and strong. I cannot wait to see the results at the end. I am working on my body mainly for myself, but also for my wedding. I'm sick of workouts that get me no where and leave me with nothing changed. I bought Kayla's eBook for $69.97 which is around £35 in English Pounds (can't argue with that?). I am also thinking of buying her Healthy Eating Guide (H.E.L.P) as soon as I can afford it. I am continuing to eat healthy as well as following the guide, I should finish the 12 weeks a week before my wedding.

Here are just a few of the amazing transformations completed with this guide.

Kayla's guide is so easy to follow and affordable. I would definitely recommend it - even after a week. If you want to follow my progress and see what happens in the coming weeks. I will be posting pictures on instagram and also keeping you up to date on my blog too so watch this space.

Or you can head to Kayla's Website and join in with me! Show everyone that Fit is the New Sexy!



  1. That looks absolutely incredible and something I will look into more now, I do high intensity training for an hour a day and can see my muscles forming but I know my work out is becoming too easy now I think xxx

    Blonde Of Carbs

    1. I know! It's definitely worth a shot! She looks fab and so do all the other girls :) You'll have to let me know how you get on!

      Francesca x


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