A Beauty, Fashion, Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle Blog

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Life Lately

Okay so this is probably going to be one of those posts, but it's been one of those weeks. It's not going to be a rant, completely the opposite actually. I'm feeling really good and I wanted to share the love, and hopefully give some of my positivity and inspiration to one of you wonderful people. I find myself sat here at my computer at 23:58pm (almost am) and I just felt inspired to write this post. I have been thinking a lot about life and where I want to be in the next 5 years or whatever amount of time.

I want to move forward, I want to be somebody, I want to do something, I want to help people, I want to be a positive influence and maybe even a mentor into people's lives. This is something I feel really positive about, and I do feel like God is pushing me this way. I'm still not completely sure what I need to do, but I know that God has a plan for me and he already knows where I am going and where I'll be. The best thing is I think I finally know where I want my life to go career wise. I've done a lot of thinking and praying about this situation as its been on my mind a lot. I realise that this will not happen overnight, and it will take a lot of hard work, perseverance, determination, time and possibly even money too.

I have been feeling really inspired lately to do something positive and change my life for the better, and hopefully other peoples lives. I don't want this post to be confusing, I'd like it to be inspiring and to drive you on. Be who you want to be, be who you are, change your life, never stop trying, never give up, do not lose hope and never ever think you are alone.

Tonight in the bloggers chat we were talking about the direction your blog is heading. It got me to thinking about where I am with my blog and where I was. At the beginning of August 2012 I didn't have many hobbies, I spent most of my time working, spending time with family, friends and with my daughter. I read blogs but I never really thought about starting one until I read a really lovely post by a blogger about starting your own blog, and the reasons why you should. That weekend I started The Mummy Diaries, and posted outfit posts, beauty posts and the occasional lifestyle posts. I didn't worry about followers or stats, until it got much further on and it was all everyone seemed to be worried about.

For the first year I struggled to get any followers, the end of last year when on New Years Eve I hit 300 on Bloglovin. I was so proud of that number, it didn't matter to me anymore that I didn't have as many as some others. I wanted to write my blog for me, because I loved doing it. The second I realised that I wanted to blog because of that reason, my passion for writing took a new turn and I fell in love with blogging again. I am now nearly at 1000 followers and I can not thank you enough. I guess I just basically want to say to you all out there, do not worry about stats and milestones, worry about your content and how much you care about your blogs. The writing will soon follow and it will show through your posts.

Also never give up, do not feel disheartened when you don't get many readers or comments, remember why you started your blog in the first place. Read some old posts and rediscover the passion you once had all that time ago. And if you are thinking about starting a blog then go for it, we are all unique and able to share our lives in different ways. Express yourself, if it wasn't for a post similar to this one I wouldn't be where I am now. Be bold and courageous, what's to stop you?

In conclusion I'm sorry for rambling at this time of night, but I just wanted to share some thoughts on my mind right now and I felt this was the only way to get it all out. I hope this encouraged or inspired at least one person. Well done if you got to the end and actually read all of this.

I truly love every single one of you, and thank you for your continued support.
If you liked this you might like 45 Life Lessons or Top Tips for New Bloggers.
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  1. Lovely blog post Fran, I know exactly what your saying :) Much love xxx

  2. Really lovely post & defo not rambling you have lots of followers because we all love you and your blog xxx

  3. Aww thank you that means so much 😘 xxx


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